
Driving Without a Licence

Driving without a licence

You must have an up to date licence for your vehicle to be able to legally drive it on the roads. It is a serious offence to drive on the roads without a licence. Even if you are a learner, you must hold a provisional licence to drive on the roads legally, you must be accompanied by someone over the age of 21 and has had a licence for at least three years, with L plates displayed, you must also have eligible insurance and an MOT on your car.

The police can easily assess whether you have your MOT, insurance and eligible licence whilst you are driving on the roads. This means that taking the risk to drive without a licence is simply not worth it, as the police can use technology to find out whether you are driving on the road legally.

Penalties for driving without a licence

Driving without a licence may not feel like a big deal, however, if you get caught, you can be facing some pretty hefty fines. You can be fined £1,000, get 3-6 points on your licence and even get disqualified from driving, depending on how severe the offence is.  A driving disqualification can be very inconvenient for any drives in their day to day life, especially if driving is a part of your daily routine. Our experienced motoring solicitors can help you get the best possible outcome for your particular case so that you can get back to your daily life in no time.

Driving without a licence offences

There is a range of offences that can be classed as driving without a licence, these include:

  • Driving without an eligible licence for your particular vehicle
  • Driving without a licence after you got disqualified
  • Driving without informing the DVLA of your particular disability
  • Driving when your licence has been cancelled for medical reasons
  • Learner drivers without L plates, or accompanying experienced drivers can face similar penalties

If you have been found driving a vehicle after you have been disqualified from driving, you can pay an unlimited fine, get 6 points on your licence and get a further disqualification from driving, if the offence is serious, you can even go to prison for up to 6 months.

Other consequences of driving without a licence

Driving without a licence can come with some pretty hefty penalties, but it can also come with other issues. More severe motoring cases can lead to a criminal record. When looking for a future job, employers may check your criminal record and that can minimise your chances of getting a job in the future. Driving without a licence can also affect your car insurance premiums, possibly making them significantly higher, adding unnecessary costs to your daily life.

What Can I do if I have been found driving without a licence?

Driving without a licence is a serious offence and can lead to pretty serious convictions that can impact your day to day life, contact Solicitors On Your Side if you have been charged with driving without a licence. Here at Solicitors on Your Side, we believe that everyone deserves to have their voice heard, and our experienced solicitors will help you explore your options on how to help your case.

We will also make sure that your process is as stress-free and as easy as possible, making sure you come out with the best possible outcome for your motoring offence.

Have you been charged with a motoring offence?

If you have been charged with a motoring offence, contact Solicitors On Your Side now to help you lower your motoring offence penalties. We understand that these situations can be very time consuming and stressful, but at Solicitors on Your Side, we will try to make the process as quick as possible.

Get in touch with us

Get in touch with us now if you have been charged with a motoring offence, remember that there are always better options out there!

Contact our solicitors now!

Contact us now. Solicitors On Your Side can offer you free advice and consultations.

Contact us today by phoning 0330 912 2124, emailing [email protected], or by using our website by filling out an online form.

If you would like to find out more about recent law changes and news, make sure to visit our Latest Articles page. Our latest articles also cover a range of other topics, such as; motoring offences, personal injury claims, medical negligence claims, occupier’s liability and more.

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