What is a urologist?
A urologist specialises in treating conditions relating to the urinary tract, including the bladder kidneys and urethra. Urologists also investigate the male reproductive system. Patients get referred to a urologist when they show concerning symptoms when going to the GP. They must assess and diagnose your symptoms and recommend the best treatment options. Urology related negligence can occur, and if you have been hurt because of it, contact one of our solicitors at Solicitors On Your Side now.
Types of Urology compensation claims
Most urological claims are relatively rare, as medical practitioners get extensive professional training to ensure that patients get the correct treatment and avoid unnecessary mistakes. There’s a range of urology negligence claims that our experienced solicitors can deal with, these include:
- Failure to remove a stent, which is an internal drainage tube used for patients who have an obstruction or blockage of the kidney.
- Injury to the bladder during obstetric or gynaecological surgery that isn’t quickly identified.
- Failure to diagnose testicular torsion.
- Failure to diagnose chronic kidney injury.
- Negligence that results in acute kidney injury such as dehydration due to poor care, unnecessary blood loss during surgery or medication errors.
- Surgical errors causing incontinence, nerve damage, or impotence.
- Misdiagnosis or late diagnosis of prostate or bladder or testicular cancer.
- Circumcision errors
If you have experienced any sort of negligence concerning your urology treatment, we highly recommend that you contact our experienced solicitors at Solicitors On your side now, we can ensure that you can get the highest compensation in the most stress-free and easy way.
What can I claim for?
There’s a range of things that our experienced solicitors can help you claim from after experiencing negligence concerning your treatment, these include:
- Loss of earnings.
- Injury compensation.
- Pain and suffering.
- Medical treatment and expenses such as prescription changes and pain killers.
- Rehabilitation care.
- Travel expenses.
We advise that these are just some examples of loss concerning urology claims, if you have experienced an injury or damage concerning the negligence of your urology treatment or procedure, we highly recommend that you contact Solicitors On Your Side now.
How can I make a claim?
If you have faced negligence during your procedures, we highly advise that you contact one of our experienced solicitors at Solicitors On Your Side now. We will help you claim in the fastest, easiest and most stress-free way.
We advise that medical negligence claims must be usually made within three years of knowledge of the mistake. That means not since the error has occurred, but since the patient found out about the error. For patients under 18, you have three years since your 18th birthday to make a claim. For people who do not have the mental capacity to acknowledge the claim, there is no time limit.
How can we help?
Our experienced solicitors will help you make a successful claim and get the correct amount of compensation for your specific case. We will make sure to gather any necessary evidence to help your case, and we will also access any necessary medical records. We will make sure to treat your case most professionally to make you feel comfortable, getting your story across in the best way.
We understand that facing medical negligence can be an extremely stressful and traumatic process, however, we will make sure that you come out with the best possible outcome, enabling you to get back to your daily life in no time.
How much compensation will I get?
Usually, the amount of compensation depends on how much damage you have faced due to negligence. Damage can be physical, mental and even financial. The best way to find out how much compensation you may get is by contacting Solicitors On Your Side now. Our experienced solicitors in medical negligence will help you to get the highest possible compensation in the most stress-free and easy way.
Contact our Solicitors now!
Contact us now. Solicitors on Your Side can offer you free advice and consultations. Our solicitors can help you on a no win-no fee basis. That means there will be no hidden fees, and everything can be done over the phone from anywhere in the UK.
Contact us today by phoning 0330 912 2124, emailing [email protected], or by using our website by filling out an online form.
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