About meningitis medical negligence claims
Meningitis is an extremely severe condition that can lead to horrible and even fatal consequences for anyone who fell ill with it. It must be quickly diagnosed, otherwise, it can lead to damage, such as brain damage and lifelong disability.
What is Meningitis?
Meningitis is an infection of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. It is most common in younger people. It must be treated and diagnosed quickly, and there is a range of vaccinations that are available for babies and young adults to prevent it.
Symptoms of meningitis
- High temperature
- Headache
- A rash that does not fade
- Stiff neck
- Drowsiness
- Seizures
We advise that not all the symptoms have to happen at the same time, and not all of them must happen for someone to be ill with meningitis.
Treatments for meningitis
There is a range of things that meningitis can be treated with including:
- Antibiotics
- Oxygen
- Fluids to the brain
Viral meningitis tends to get better after 7-10 days on its own, and people ill with it without further complications usually can be treated at home.
Negligence during treatment
There is a range of things that can be negligent during meningitis treatment. Our experienced solicitors found that the most common ones include:
- Delayed diagnosis of meningitis. When the professional fails to diagnose the conditions in time, leading to delayed treatment and therefore, a bigger chance of complications in the future.
- When the professional fails to diagnose the condition correctly, it leads to misdiagnosis. That may lead to incorrect treatment and serious complications as well as the delay of treatment of meningitis.
- Delay or failure to refer the patient to a hospital. During delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, the professional may fail to refer the patient to a hospital and get correct treatment on time.
- Failed or delay to provide any treatment and antibiotics for meningitis which can be a direct consequence of misdiagnosis or delay of diagnosis for meningitis.
Sometimes complications to do with meningitis are unavoidable. Complications due to negligent treatment can be avoided, during which you may be entitled to make a claim. The more common complications include:
- Hearing loss
- Vision loss
- Partial hearing loss
- Partial vision loss
- Problems with memory and concentration
- Epilepsy
- Co-ordination movement
- Loss of limbs
Studies have even found that 1/10 of bacterial meningitis are fatal. It is very crucial to diagnose and treat meningitis as soon as it is possible, taking any meningitis claims very seriously.
How can we help?
Our experienced solicitors will help you make a successful claim and get the correct amount of compensation for your specific case. We will make sure to gather any necessary evidence to help your case and we will also access any necessary medical records. We will make sure to treat your case most professionally to make you feel comfortable getting your story across in the best way.
We understand that facing medical negligence can be an extremely stressful and traumatic process, however, we will make sure that you come out with the best possible outcome, enabling you to get back to your day to day life in no time.
How much compensation will I get?
Usually, the amount of compensation depends on how much damage you face due to negligence. Damage can be physical, mental and even financial. The best way to find out how much compensation you may get is by contacting Solicitors on Your Side now. Our experienced solicitors in medical negligence will help allow you to get the highest possible compensation in the most stress-free and easy way.
Contact our Solicitors now!
Contact us now. Solicitors on Your Side can offer you free advice and consultations. Our solicitors can help you on a “no win-no fee” basis. That means there will be no hidden fees, and everything can be done over the phone from anywhere in the UK.
Contact us today by phoning 0330 912 2124, emailing [email protected], or by using our website by filling out an online form.
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