Making an Eye Injury Claim
Our experienced medical negligence solicitors will help you with any claims you may have to make concerning your eye injury claims. Harmed eyesight or losing it can be tremendously devastating for any individual that may experience it. Blindness can have severe impacts on your daily life. We understand that no amount of money will ever cover the loss of sight, our experienced solicitors may help you to get the correct compensation that will cover any financial burdens that you may have to face. Lifestyle changes can be extremely costly, and compensation can help you implement correct life alternations to make your life easier.
Medical procedures
Eye injuries can be a result of negligence during a range of optical procedures. Eyes are extremely delicate, and any procedures need to be carried out with a lot of precision to ensure the safety of the patient. Examples of eye medical negligence include:
- Opticians do not refer the patient for examination when there are problems with the eye.
- Prescribing the incorrect medication, which can be extremely dangerous especially if the condition needs prompt treatment.
- Delayed diagnosis of dangerous eye conditions, leading to severe complications that can even lead to loss of sight.
- Delay in referral for assessment, leading to delay of treatment.
- Misdiagnosis of eye conditions, leading to delay of treatment.
- Late diagnosis of eye conditions, leading to delay of treatment.
We advise that these are just some examples of negligence concerning eye medical procedures. If you have experienced any form of medical negligence concerning eye injuries, we highly recommend that you contact one of our solicitors at Solicitors On Your Side.
Complications due to negligence
There is a range of complications that a patient may experience concerning eye medical procedure negligence. These include:
- Partial loss of sight
- Loss of sight
- Detached retina
- Orbital fractures
- Psychological trauma
- Pain in one or both eyes
- Blurred vision in one or both eyes
We advise that these are only some of the compilations due to negligence that individuals may experience. If you have experienced any form of negligence concerning your eye procedure, we highly recommend that you contact Solicitors On Your Side now, we will help you get the correct compensation in the most stress-free and easy way, enabling you to get back to your daily life in the best possible way.
What can I claim for?
There is a range of things you can claim for if you have experienced an eye injury concerning eye medical procedures, these include:
- Iris injuries
- Pupil injuries
- Cornea injuries
- Lens injuries
- Retina injuries
- Optical nerve injury
If you have experienced injury due to a medical professional’s negligence, we recommend that you contact one of our experienced solicitors at Solicitors On Your Side now.
How we can help
Our experienced medical negligence solicitors at Solicitors On your Side can help you with your eye procedure negligence claims. We will make sure to deal with your case in the most professional manner, ensuring that you come out with the best possible outcome. We will make sure that you feel comfortable throughout the entire process so that your story can be conveyed in the best way to enable you to get the highest compensation possible. We also believe that everyone deserves the correct treatment after facing medical negligence and we will make sure to gather all the right medical records and other evidence to help back up your case.
How much compensation will I get?
Usually, the amount of compensation depends on how much damage you face due to negligence. Damage can be physical, mental and even financial. The best way to find out how much compensation you may get is by contacting Solicitors on Your Side now. Our experienced solicitors in medical negligence will help allow you to get the highest possible compensation in the most stress-free and easy way.
Contact our Solicitors now!
Contact us now, Solicitors on Your Side can offer you free advice and consultations. Our solicitors can help you on a “no win-no fee” basis. That means there will be no hidden fees, and everything can be done over the phone from anywhere in the UK.
Contact us today by phoning 0330 912 2124, emailing [email protected], or by using our website by filling out an online form.
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