fatal accident in workplace

Fatal Workplace Accidents Statistics 2020-2021

In July 2021, HSE released statistics for workplace fatal accidents, 142 workers were killed at work in Great Britain in 2021/21, which is an increase of 29 from the previous year. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees at the workplace. They must always adhere to health and safety guidelines to avoid accidents from occurring.

The most common industries for workplace fatalities:

The 7 industries with the highest fatality rates in the UK are:

  • Construction, with 39 deaths up by 3 compared to the 5-year average.
  • Agriculture with 34 deaths, up by 6 compared to the 5-year average.
  • Manufacturing with 20 deaths, up by 2 compared to the 5-year average.
  • Transportation and Storage with 10 deaths, down by 3 compared to the 5-year average.
  • Wholesale, retail, motor repair, accommodation and food with 14 deaths, up by 3 compared to the 5-year average.
  • Administrative and support services with 11 deaths, up by 3 compared to the 5-year average.

In 2020/21, 97% of all worker fatalities were males. The number of fatal injuries is steadily decreasing with new health and safety procedures being put in place and safer workplaces, with the improvement of safer work machinery under constant development.

30% of fatalities occurred to workers who were 60 or over, with this age group only making up 11% of the workforce.

Due to the extensive health and safety guidelines being put in place, the death rate has been gradually decreasing over the years, in 2000/01 there were 292 workplace accident fatalities.

However, these numbers are still unacceptable, with the extensive health and safety guidelines up in workplaces, workplace fatalities should be closer to zero. No family should have to experience the shocking and tragic death of their loved one at a place of work. Therefore, we believe it is very important that you get the correct compensation to ease any financial trauma after losing a loved one in a workplace accident.

Could the rise of death be due to COVID?

If we look at the workplace fatality statistics, you can see a clear gradual decrease over the last years, so why has there been a sudden spike in deaths during the years of a pandemic? We believe that shortage of staff due to the pandemic can have a big impact on the safety of the workplace, some jobs need to be carried out by more people to avoid workplace accidents, and if carried out alone can pose fatal risks to the staff.

Staff shortages don’t mean that there should be risks in the workplace or safety procedures neglected by the employers. It is extremely important to adhere to health and safety standards no matter the circumstances, the health and safety of the employees should be always be put first.

How we can help you

We believe that anyone who faced the loss of a loved one due to an accident that could be prevented should get the right compensation for their loss. We understand that no amount of money can bring back the loss of a loved one or the trauma and grief experienced by it, however, we do know that sudden deaths of a loved one can be a financial shock and a lot of people aren’t prepared to financially cover this. Therefore, the correct compensation can help ease any financial trauma faced by individuals who have lost a loved one.

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