passenger phone learner

Passengers can face fines for using their mobile phones in a vehicle – find out how

From the 25th of March 2022, the laws were improved on using your mobile phone whilst driving. The old laws prohibited the driver from making calls or texting whilst driving; when technology advances, laws must keep up. With the new age of smartphones, calling or texting will be one of the last things that rule breakers will be doing whilst driving.

Phones can now be used to take pictures, play games and use social media; these new laws prohibit using mobile phones unless they are used as a GPS and mounted to the vehicle. That includes checking notifications or adjusting your map setting. Any use of mobile phones whilst driving can result in a hefty fine and 6 points on your licence, which can be detrimental to new drivers, who can only hold up to 6 points on their licence. 

So how can passengers get charged? 

If you are a passenger who is supervising a learner driver, for using your mobile phone, you can be charged for using your mobile phone whilst driving. The charge for using your mobile phone whilst driving is 6 points and a £200 fine. If you are supervising a learner driver you must be at least 21 years of age and have 3 years of driving experience after passing your driving test. The learner driver must also be insured, with the correct learner driver insurance, and have displayed visible L plates on the front and back of the vehicle.

Failing to adhere to these rules can result in the driver and the supervisor with points and fines on their licence. If you have been charged with using your mobile phone whilst driving, don’t risk your licence, and contact our experienced motoring solicitors at Solicitors On Your Side now. 

When can mobile phones be used? 

The department of transport has made one exception for drivers to use their mobile phones, during making contactless payments in places such as driver thru’s, however, the vehicle must be safely stationary during that time. If you require us to use our mobile phone in your vehicle, you must ensure that our vehicle is safely parked, with your engine switched off and your handbrake on. Your handheld device can also be used during emergencies, for example when you require to call the emergency services and it is unsafe or impractical to stop. If you have been charged with using your mobile phone whilst driving, contact our expert motoring solicitors at solicitors On Your Side now. 

Have you been charged with a motoring offence?

If you have been charged with a motoring offence, contact On Your Side now to help you lower your motoring offence penalties. We understand that these situations can be very time consuming and stressful, but at On Your Side, we will try to make the process as quick as possible.

Get in touch with us

Get in touch with us now if you have been charged with a motoring offence, remember that there are always better options out there!

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