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Early Settlement Concession, Everything You Need to Know.

On the 25th October 2021, the home office imposed a range of changes concerning the Early Concession Route in the UK, by welcoming young people brought up in the UK without immigration status. If you would like to speak to one of our experienced immigration solicitors about your immigration application, contact one of our solicitors at Solicitors On Your Side now. 

The old route

The old route, introduced in 2012, stated that young people aged between 18-24 who spent half of their life in the UK could apply for settlement after ten years of residence.

The new route 

Under the new route, young people born or brought up in the UK aged 18-24, may get indefinite leave to remain after completing just five years of Limited Leave in the UK instead of ten.

The Home Office has stated that children who were either born in the UK or entered at a young age with Limited Leave:

 “Cannot be considered responsible for the previous non-compliance with immigration laws” and were not “fully integrated into society in the UK“. 

If the individual has completed five years of residence in the UK. There is a range of things they must do to apply, this includes: 

  • Be aged between 18 and younger than 25. 
  • You must have been born or entered the UK as a minor. 
  • You must hold at least five years of leave. 
  • You must be eligible for leave to remain under paragraph 276 (1).

After the screening 

When the applicant has completed the screening process, a decision will be made by the home office, deciding whether the individual is suitable to be granted indefinite leave to remain. Elements that affect this conclusion include: 

  • What age was the individual when they came to the UK
  • How long the individual has spent in the UK, including unlawfully 
  • The strength of their connections in the UK
  • Depending on whether their unlawful residence from the past was due to non-compliance or their parents’ or guardians’
  • What kind of effort did the candidate go to regularise their stay in the UK
  • Any times they left the UK and how long for, and any continuous leave in the past
  • Depending on whether the leave to remain can have a negative impact on the person’s health or well-being. 

How to apply

If you believe that you meet all the above criteria to apply for indefinite leave to remain, you can do this on the government website. We understand that these applications aren’t easy, this is why our solicitors are here to help anyone. We know the process thoroughly and we will ensure that you come out with the best possible outcome, whilst meeting all of the necessary criteria. If you would like to speak to one of our solicitors, contact one of our immigration experts now, and start a successful application. 

Contact our Solicitors now about Early Settlement Concession

Contact us now. Solicitors On Your Side can offer you free advice and consultations.

Contact us today by phoning 0330 912 2124, emailing [email protected], or by using our website by filling out an online form.

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