Know more about driving whilst disqualified.
There are numerous reasons why a person could get disqualified from driving any type of a vehicle. If you are a new driver and you have had your license for less than 3 years you are only allowed to receive 6 points on your license before being disqualified. If you have been driving for longer than 3 years your limit is 12 points on your driving licence. You could get an instant ban if you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, if you have caused the death of a person due to careless driving, or if you refused to provide the police officers with any information for analysis.
If you have been disqualified from driving you are not allowed to drive until your ban has been lifted. Driving whilst disqualified is a motoring offence. If you are caught driving a vehicle whilst disqualified by the police, you will be arrested and taken into custody. At the police station you will be asked several questions which you will have to answer truthfully. The police officers will take your fingerprints and photographs. They also have the right to take your blood and urine samples in relation to drink or drug driving.
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What are the consequences of being caught driving whilst disqualified?
Committing this offence leads to many serious consequences. In some cases the consequences may be more serious than in other. The consequences due to driving whilst disqualified can result in:
- A fine up to £5000
- A 6 month prison sentence
- Extension of the existing ban
- Being placed on a curfew tag
On top of these consequences you will most likely suffer from additional personal problems caused by a criminal conviction. All criminal offences will appear on your criminal record. After you have faced the consequences in court, it may be hard for you to find a job or get accepted onto higher education courses, as having any kind of offence on your criminal record could minimise your chances of being employed. After the ban has finished or has been lifted it may also be hard or more expensive to get insured on a vehicle. The curfew tag could have an impact on your social life as you will not be able to leave your house after a certain time.
Can my ban be lifted?
If you’ve received a driving disqualification, yes you may be able to apply to the court to lift your ban early, but it is always better to receive the right legal advice and representation before you appear in court. After then, this can only be done after 2 years of being banned. If you have applied for the ban to be lifted, the court will take into consideration the way you have behaved since you received the ban, the reasons why you got disqualified in first place, and any other personal circumstances that could cause you to suffer due to the ban, such as having children that rely on you or a severely ill partner.
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